All It Takes Is a Good Yank

So, I am sifting through all the clutter big media calls news, looking for something to lampoon or ponder and this catches my eye. Being an avid "Bankee" hater and Apple critic, I think, here's a chance to skewer two kebabs with one spit! Righteous! As I read the article I am scratching my head trying to see the logic in banning the iPad from the stadium and wondering why anyone would bring one to a ballgame in the first place. Then I get to the Yankee stadium security policy. Wow! I am instantly visualizing entry into a prison or other secure, top secret facility. Four sentences into the policy and you get to this gem; " NOTICE: All persons specifically consent to and are subject to metal detector and physical pat-down inspections prior to entry." Oh Boy, a little wand giving me the once over and then a frisk by a frisky freak! Here a Yankee, there a Yankee, Everywhere a Yankee-Yankee! I'm pretty sure I've been violated by the time all the Yanking is done! Now it's time to check my "Junk", reposition what was Yanked, scratch, and Mooooove along with the rest of the herd. Oh yeah, my's a good thing they didn't Doo a cavity search! Now I can read all the Crap going on outside while at the ballgame. Oh Boy!
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