Bull Balls - A Political Oxymoron

Old Bulls, what does that mean really? In this context it describes public servants that have long ago stopped serving the public and made a career out of worrying about their next reelection bid. What two words scare these Old Bulls more then any other? Term Limits! Bulls should not be allowed to get lazy and fat in the pastures of the people. Old Bulls are just that, old hands at shoveling Bull while grazing at the peoples expense! You won't find anything dangling at the back of these bulls though as they neutered themselves the first time they put their own reelection bids over the people's business. The only bulls with balls are the young, newly elected bulls, but they are quickly set upon and shown the greenest grazing areas by the old bulls. If they want to remain in the preferred pastures they must join the herd and follow the old bulls to the neutering table. Once neutered, the young bulls become domestic bulls and are handed a silver shovel to do their business with. The Old, Fat Bulls tend the herd!
Now there is a set of gonads. One thing for certain that old fella is not a Democrat. According to the link it looks like all peaches and cream for the repugs. Not being a boob tube propaganda watcher its hard to comprehend anybody wanting to give power right back to the bastards that got us into the mess we're in. I guess doing nothing and just saying no is the way to go. I suppose one can hope the next cliff they drive us over isn't as high and steep as the last one. Just a parting shot, you would have been hard pressed to find a worse asshole to link to. I remember him from the old Lou Dobbs days.