Saturday, July 10, 2010

Toxic Soup - Worse Than Oil

So you think the oil spill in the gulf is bad? It is just a baby compared to the plastic and garbage eddy in the Pacific ocean. When I was in the Navy we would dump the trash off the fantail every night. One ship, dozens of  plastic bags of garbage, every night for 8 months. Now multiply that by a whole carrier battle group, every night for 8 months. And, that is just One group of ships out of thousands that dump their trash into the ocean every day! And, that's just a tiny fraction compared to the trash that gets thrown in the ocean from landlubbers.
I like following these guys on their reporting journeys. Typical foul language of today's generation but the transparent reporting and real life experience style beats the crap you get from any of the propaganda machines on the idiot box!
Anyway, Enjoy, or not, it's a scary world out there and we do our best to make it scarier everyday!

Meanwhile, back at the pond, the pooch is rolling in poison.


1 comment:

  1. Water and air the two things every bit of life on earth depends on and we're hell bent on destroying them both.
