Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Bags Explored

What is a Teabag? What is Tea Bagging synonymous with? In today's college party circles, teabags, or tea bagging, are Nuts, or the vulgar use there of. Here is the definition of "Teabag" from Urban Or, Tea Bagger.

Of course, Tea Bag is actually two words and defined by as; Tea Bag. And, Tea Bagger. No such word here.

Tea Bagging defined on Wikipedia. (Warning! Graphic visual content)

On Rachel Maddow. How she manages to keep a straight face is beyond me!

Here's a first page Google result for "Political Teabagger".

To be fair here is the whole first page on Google for "Political Teabagger". Eerily Similar.

So, Tea Bags? No thanks! I'll stick to coffee in the morning and civil free thinking on the side! ;-)



  1. Between the crazy teabaggers screaming to take "their" country back and the Lefties on the other side whining because Obama's not giving them everything the want fast enough I'm beginning to feel like the man without a country. Its driving me nuts. Instead of brewing the tea bag I feel like dropping it on the floor and stomping on it.

  2. There is no respect for the President anymore regardless what party he represents. Civility is a lost cause and both sides have nut jobs trying to put tea bags in someones mouth! Sad!!!
