Friday, August 27, 2010

Perception - What a Concept

What is perception? 

Some will tell you perception is the key to happiness, some believe it is an illusion. It truly is all about how you perceive it. Are you able to change your perception of a situation or do you stick to what you perceive to be correct? I believe perception is meant to be shaped, molded into the reality we wish to perceive. An easy task when alone but much more challenging when amongst others that have different perceptions of reality. This is an easy concept to get lost in, pondering your perception of reality. Very therapeutic in a meditative sort of way.

Here are some interesting exercises in perception. Enjoy!

Meanwhile, back in his mind, the pooch perceives his existence.


1 comment:

  1. I know this is off topic but reading one of your past blogs I was wondering when you were going to start sharing your billions.
